
Vito turned professional at the age of 17 with his habitual presence on winners’ podiums all over the snowboarding scene. Throughout his career he has won four U.S. Grand Prix Overall Halfpipe Championships, six X Games medals, and been named a four-time overall U.S. Grand Prix Champion, two-time Dew Cup Overall Champion and member of the U.S. Olympic Team in the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics.
In an unprecedented streak between the 2010 Olympics and spring 2012, Louie managed the unheard-of feat of earning podium positions in 20 of the world's 23 major snowboarding contests, including three consecutive X Games medals, the overall championship for the Winter Action Sports Tour, and the overall championship in the U.S. Grand Prix (the third of his career at that time).
Vito has won fans off the mountain as well - he competed on ABC’s hit television show, "Dancing With The Stars” in 2009 and was featured in ESPN The Magazine’s “Body Issue” in 2011. Last year, Vito was voted by Men’s Health Magazine, as one of the top 50 most fit athletes in the world.
Pro BMX Rider

Pro Surfer

Pro Skater
Pro Snowboarder

BMX Rider

Pro Snowboarder
Pro Skater

Pro Surfer

Pro Surfer
Pro Surfer

Pro Surfer

Pro Snowboarder
Pro Skater